Language Research - Glossary

Understanding the following terminology will help you get the most out of the English Grammar Profile.

Can-do statement: the can-do statement associated with the grammatical element, e.g. can use 'but' to join a limited range of common adjectives, after 'be'.

Comments: alert the user to limitations with the data, e.g. that there may not be enough data to provide sufficient evidence for the feature, or that a different type of data (e.g. spoken) may be needed.

Details: clicking the “Details” button shows more information about the grammatical element.

Element: an individual aspect of grammatical competence. These fall into three sub-types:

Form: this entry concerns grammatical form, e.g.

Form comparatives

Use: this entry concerns different specific uses of a grammatical form, e.g.

Use future

Form/Use: this entry indicates both form and use, where the particular form is rarely used for any other purpose, e.g.

Form Use conjunctions

Examples: examples of the grammatical element taken from the CLC. These fall into two sub-categories:

Corrected learner examples: examples of the element taken from the CLC and modified, where necessary, so that they are “expert speaker like”.

Uncorrected learner examples: examples of the element taken directly from the CLC. These examples may contain learner errors.

Level: the CEFR level at which the element is typically mastered.

Lexical Range: the lexical development within the grammatical feature, indicating limited/increasing/wide vocabulary with bar chart icons.

Sub Category: a narrower category of the grammatical element, e.g. comparatives, future in the past, might, uncountable etc. Click here for a full list of sub categories.

Super Category: the broad category of the grammatical element, e.g. adjectives, clauses, modality, negations, reported speech etc. Click here for a full list of super categories.

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