SubCat indefinite - thing, -one, -body etc
Lexical Range N/A
Level A2
Cando Can use 'anything' after a negative verb form.
Corrected Learner Example You don't have to bring anything. (Italy; A2 WAYSTAGE; 2006; Italian; Pass)

When I want to eat something in the night, I can't find anything because it is too dark. (A2 WAYSTAGE; 2009; Polish; Pass)
Uncorrected Learner Example You don't have to bring anything. (Italy; A2 WAYSTAGE; 2006; Italian; Pass)

When I want to eat something in the night I can't find anything because is too dark for me. (A2 WAYSTAGE; 2009; Polish; Pass)
Comments At A2 'nothing' is frequently used in error instead of 'anything'.

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