SubCat substitution, one, ones, none
Lexical Range N/A
Level B1
Cando Can use 'the ones' with a complement, to refer to something specific.
Corrected Learner Example Weddings in our country? Well, they're pretty different from the ones in England. (Yugoslavia; B1 THRESHOLD; 2006; Serbian; Pass)

Evil people, like the ones who did this, should die, or at least go to prison. (Brazil; B1 THRESHOLD; 2004; Portuguese; Pass)

The products we received were not exactly the ones we ordered. (Italy; B1 THRESHOLD; 2003; Italian; Pass)
Uncorrected Learner Example Weddings in our country? Well, they're pretty diffrent from the ones in England. (Yugoslavia; B1 THRESHOLD; 2006; Serbian; Pass)

Evil people, like the ones who did this should die, or at least go to prison. (Brazil; B1 THRESHOLD; 2004; Portuguese; Pass)

Products we received were not exactly the ones we ordered. (Italy; B1 THRESHOLD; 2003; Italian; Pass)
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