SubCat superlatives
Lexical Range 2
Level B2
Cando Can use '(one of) the' with an increasing range of superlative adjectives without a following noun, when the noun is understood.
Corrected Learner Example There have been so many embarrassing moments in my life. It's very difficult to pick the most embarrassing. (Sweden; B2 VANTAGE; 1993; Swedish; Pass)

I'm not quite sure if I agree that the car is the greatest danger to human life today, but it sure is one of the greatest. (Portugal; B2 VANTAGE; 1993; Portuguese; Pass)

That period of my life was one of the worst . (Singapore; B2 VANTAGE; 2000; Chinese; Pass)
Uncorrected Learner Example It's very difficult to pick the most embarrasing. (Sweden; B2 VANTAGE; 1993; Swedish; Pass)

I'm not quite sure if I aggree that the car is the GREATEST danger to human life today, but it sure is one of the greatest. (Portugal; B2 VANTAGE; 1993; Portuguese; Pass)

That period of my life was one of the worst. (Singapore; B2 VANTAGE; 2000; Chinese; Pass)

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