SubCat present simple for future use
Lexical Range N/A
Level C1
Cando Can use the present simple with 'by the time' to refer to the future.
Corrected Learner Example … by the time he gets home, he will just want to go straight to bed. (Mexico; C1 EFFECTIVE OPERATIONAL PROFICIENCY; 1998; Spanish - Latin American; Pass)

By the time you arrive the information office at the airport will be closed, as at 11.00 o'clock a full day strike will start. (Italy; C1 EFFECTIVE OPERATIONAL PROFICIENCY; 1993; Italian; Pass)
Uncorrected Learner Example By the time he gets home, he will just want to go straight to bed. (Mexico; C1 EFFECTIVE OPERATIONAL PROFICIENCY; 1998; Spanish - Latin American; Pass)

By the time you arrive the information office at the airport will be closed as at 11.00 o'clock a full day strike will start. (Italy; C1 EFFECTIVE OPERATIONAL PROFICIENCY; 1993; Italian; Pass)
Comments Note that there aren't many time conjunctions – they are quite a closed set, but their use with the present simple for future does develop as you move up the levels.

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