SuperCat FOCUS
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Lexical Range N/A
Level C1
Cando Can use 'What' + noun or pronoun + verb phrase as subject + 'be', for focus.
Corrected Learner Example What we need is a strong publicity campaign, directed at young people. (Portugal; C1 EFFECTIVE OPERATIONAL PROFICIENCY; 1993; Portuguese; Pass)

What everyone loved were the special effects and we were very impressed by the use of advanced technological innovations. (Greece; C1 EFFECTIVE OPERATIONAL PROFICIENCY; 2008; Greek; Pass)

What companies care about is money and football players help them to earn it. (Spain; C1 EFFECTIVE OPERATIONAL PROFICIENCY; 2005; Catalan; Pass)

What tourists want is to see the most typical things in England, not a hamburger restaurant or a London musical from the back row in the gallery. (Spain; C1 EFFECTIVE OPERATIONAL PROFICIENCY; 1993; Spanish - European; Pass)

What students learn are mostly facts and theories. (Korea, South; C1 EFFECTIVE OPERATIONAL PROFICIENCY; 2001; Korean; Pass)

What I found particularly fascinating about this story is that it is still exciting and thrilling, despite the plot being rather easy to follow. (Greece; C1 EFFECTIVE OPERATIONAL PROFICIENCY; 2008; Greek; Pass)
Uncorrected Learner Example
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