SuperCat VERBS
SubCat patterns_with to and -ing
Lexical Range N/A
Level B2
Cando Can introduce a new subject before the '-ing' form (using noun or object pronoun).
Corrected Learner Example
If your boss doesn't mind you delaying, it could be a possible solution. (Germany; B2 VANTAGE; 1993; German; Pass)

I could not stand people shouting at me, or taking pictures of me all day. It would be horrible. (Spain; B2 VANTAGE; 1993; Spanish - European; Pass)

Oh just one more thing: would you mind me staying in your flat again? (Poland; B2 VANTAGE; 1999; Polish; Pass)

We imagine it being a frozen land, where the people are ?frozen? too - both 'inside' and 'outside'. (Mexico; B2 VANTAGE; 1997; Russian; Pass)
Uncorrected Learner Example We imagine it being a frozen land, where the people are "frozen" too -both 'inside' and 'outside'. (Mexico; B2 VANTAGE; 1997; Russian; Pass)

If your boss doesn't mind you delaying every morning it could be a possible solution. (Germany; B2 VANTAGE; 1993; German; Pass)

I could not stand people shouting at me, or taking pictures of me during all the day. it would be horrible. (Spain; B2 VANTAGE; 1993; Spanish - European; Pass)

Oh just one more thing: would you mind me staying in your flat again? (Poland; B2 VANTAGE; 1999; Polish; Pass)
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