SuperCat VERBS
SubCat patterns_with to and -ing
Lexical Range N/A
Level B1
Cando Can use 'help' + object + infinitive with or without 'to', with no change in meaning.
Corrected Learner Example I wanted to help him to make some friends. He's just like me. (Turkey; B1 THRESHOLD; 2009; Turkish; Pass)

I hope that it will help you to keep fit. (Russia; B1 THRESHOLD; 2009; Russian; Pass)

I hope my advice can help you choose where to go. (Italy; B1 THRESHOLD; 2008; Italian; Pass)

This house is terrible and I hope you can help me find something better. (B1 THRESHOLD; 2007; Polish; Pass)
Uncorrected Learner Example I wanted to help him to make some friends He's just like me. (Turkey; B1 THRESHOLD; 2009; Turkish; Pass)

I hope that it will help you to keep fit. (Russia; B1 THRESHOLD; 2009; Russian; Pass)

I hope my advice can help you choose where to go. (Italy; B1 THRESHOLD; 2008; Italian; Pass)

This house is terrible and I hope you can help me find something better. (B1 THRESHOLD; 2007; Polish; Pass)
Comments The evidence of this at A2 is heavily task influenced and restricted to two verbs, 'paint' and 'find', and these are taken from the rubric of the task

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