SuperCat VERBS
SubCat patterns_that clauses
Lexical Range N/A
Level B1
Cando Can use some reporting verbs with a prepositional phrase followed by a 'that'-clause as the direct object.
Corrected Learner Example I think also that you should say to your parents that you want to try a new experience with your friends. (Italy; B1 THRESHOLD; 2008; Italian; Pass)

[about meeting a famous person] When I said to my friends that I had met with him, they didn't believe me. (Turkey; B1 THRESHOLD; 2009; Turkish; Pass)
Uncorrected Learner Example I think also that you should say to your parents that you want to try a new experience with your friends. (Italy; B1 THRESHOLD; 2008; Italian; Pass)

[about meeting a famous person] When I said to my friend that I had met with him, they didn't believe. (Turkey; B1 THRESHOLD; 2009; Turkish; Pass)
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