SuperCat VERBS
SubCat patterns_that clauses
Lexical Range 2
Level B1
Cando Can use an increasing range of verbs, typically reporting or mental process verbs, with a 'that'-clause as the direct object.
Corrected Learner Example Now you're sixteen, I totally understand that you don't want to go on holiday with your parents. (France; B1 THRESHOLD; 2008; French; Pass)

When I got there, I realised that I wasn't the only winner. (Cyprus; B1 THRESHOLD; 2009; Greek; Pass)
Uncorrected Learner Example Now you're sixteen, I totally understand that you don't want to go on holiday with your parents. (France; B1 THRESHOLD; 008; French; Pass)

When I got there I realised that I wasn't the only winner. (Cyprus; B1 THRESHOLD; 2009; Greek; Pass)
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