Language Research - Words
closed · adjective /kloʊzd/Full view
Nouns: close, closing, closure
Adjectives: closed
Verbs: close
closed (NOT OPEN)
A1 not open
Dictionary examples:

The door was closed.

Her eyes were closed so I thought she was asleep.

Learner example:

We arrived home very tired but the door was closed and my parents weren't there. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Spanish)

A1 not open for business
Dictionary example:

All the stores were closed, so we couldn't buy any food.

Learner example:

He went to the school for his suitcase, but it was closed. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Spanish)

C2 not wanting to accept new ideas, people, customs, etc.
Dictionary example:

a closed mind

Learner example:

But if we travel with a closed mind, we will be contrasting everything, always having in mind that our things are the best. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Spanish)

behind closed doors
C2 privately and not in public
Dictionary example:

Most of the deals were done behind closed doors.

Learner example:

Decisions which affect the whole world are made behind closed doors and are top secret. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Russian)

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