Language Research - Words
choice · noun /tʃɔɪs/Full view
choice (RIGHT)
B1 C or U or no plural when you can choose between two or more things, or the decision to choose one thing or person and not someone or something else
Dictionary examples:

If I had a choice, I'd give up work.

I had to go - I had no choice.

It's a difficult choice to make.

It's your choice/The choice is yours.

It was a choice between black or brown.

Given the choice, I'd stay at home.

I'd prefer not to work Saturdays but I don't have much choice.

Learner example:

I'm very sorry that I can't [make] the choice for you. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Bulgarian)

choice (VARIETY)
B1 U or no plural the range of different things from which you can choose
Dictionary examples:

There wasn't much choice on the menu.

The evening menu offers a wide choice of dishes.

The dress is available in a choice of colors.

Learner example:

There is a very wide choice of activities! (Preliminary English Test; B1; Italian)

B1 C usually no plural a person or thing that has been chosen or that can be chosen
Dictionary examples:

Harvard was not his first choice.

He wouldn't be my choice as a friend.

This type of nursery care may well be the best choice for your child.

Learner example:

For me, the best choice is to come to the city. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Spanish)

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