bubble · noun C /ˈbʌb.əl/Full view
C1 a ball of air or gas with liquid around it
Dictionary example:

an air bubble

Learner example:

As a consequence the sea became polluted, and its deep blue color turned into a dirty green, covered with bubbles! (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Greek)

bubble · verb I /ˈbʌb.əl/
C2 If a liquid bubbles, balls of air or gas rise to its surface.
Dictionary example:

The soup was bubbling on the stove.

bubble (over) with confidence/enthusiasm, etc.
C1 to be full of a positive emotion or quality
Dictionary example:

The children were bubbling over with excitement.

Learner example:

I feel as if you were bubbling over with excitement as [you] never had done before. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Spanish)

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