working · adjective always before noun /ˈwɜr.kɪŋ/
Word family
Nouns: work, works, workaholic, worker, workings, overwork
Adjectives: workable, unworkable, overworked, working
Verbs: work, rework, overwork
B1 relating to your job
Dictionary examples:
working hours
Working conditions in the mill have hardly changed over the last twenty years.
She has a difficult working relationship with many of her staff.
Learner example:
But now because of my job, I always [wear] black or dark blue suits [during] working hours. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Arabic)
a working knowledge of sth
B2 knowledge about something that is good enough to be useful
Dictionary example:
She has a working knowledge of German and Russian.
Learner example:
Furthermore, I have a working knowledge of English, Spanish, Catalan and Italian. (First Certificate in English; B2; Catalan)