utmost · adjective always before noun /ˈʌt.moʊst/
C1 used to emphasize how important or serious something is
Dictionary examples:
a matter of the utmost importance
The situation needs to be handled with the utmost care.
Learner example:
In my opinion, there are features of utmost importance that should be [careful]ly checked. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Spanish)
utmost · noun /ˈʌt.moʊst/
do your utmost
C1 to try as hard as you can to do something
Dictionary example:
We did our utmost to finish the project on time.
Learner example:
In addition, we l[i]ve in a materialistic society where we all do our utmost in order to make ends meet, but we are never satisfied. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Greek)