Language Research - Words
act · verb /ækt/Full view
Nouns: act, action, actor, actress, inaction, interaction, reaction, transaction
Adjectives: acting
Verbs: act, interact, react
B1 I or T to perform in a movie, play, etc.
Dictionary examples:

Have you ever acted in a play before?

Andrew Pike was chosen to act the part of the lawyer in the film.

Learner example:

We are taught how to act in both comic and serious parts. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Italian)

act (BEHAVE)
B1 I to behave in a particular way
Dictionary examples:

He acted as if he'd never met me before.

Don't be so silly - you're acting like a child!

Learner example:

I always care about how much money I have and I always act sensibly. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Farsi)

B2 I to do something, especially in order to solve a problem
Dictionary examples:

She acted without thinking.

We have to act now to stop the spread of this disease.

Learner example:

We can make the village much more attractive than it has ever been. If we act together as a group, things will be easier. (First Certificate in English; B2; Portuguese)

act as sth
B2 to do a particular job, especially one that you do not normally do
Dictionary example:

He was asked to act as an advisor on the project.

Learner example:

In the last race held by Nostred Motor Klub, I [saw] that you were short of officials. Now I think I can act as [an] official in your club. (First Certificate in English; B2; Danish)

act · noun /ækt/
Nouns: act, action, actor, actress, inaction, interaction, reaction, transaction
Adjectives: acting
Verbs: act, interact, react
B1 C one of the parts a play is divided into
Dictionary example:

Her character doesn't appear until Act 2.

Learner example:

Everything was going all right, until we reached the "balcony act". (First Certificate in English; B2; Spanish)

B2 C something that someone does
Dictionary examples:

an act of aggression/kindness/terrorism

a kind/thoughtless/selfish act

The simple act of telling someone about a problem can help.

Learner example:

I think that reading is a[n] act of intel[l]igence because animals can't read, while watching T.V. is only an act of having fun!!! (First Certificate in English; B2; Portuguese)

C2 no plural behavior that hides your real feelings or intentions
Dictionary example:

Was she really upset or was that just an act?

Learner example:

Sometimes what is put on display for the tourists is all an act and gives you a different impression and opinion of the country and people, so it would be advisable to meet some local people like the butcher or baker and have a talk with them. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; German)

get your act together
C2 to become better organized so that you can make progress
Dictionary example:

I wish she'd get her act together.

Learner example:

He was determined to get his act together and try to find a solution to his problem. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Spanish)

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