thanks · exclamation /θæŋks/
A1 thank you
Dictionary examples:
Thanks for the advice.
Can you pass me that book? Thanks very much.
Learner example:
Hi, Thanks for your invite. (Skills for Life (Entry 1); A1; Polish)
no thanks
A2 used to refuse an offer politely
Dictionary example:
"Would you like a drink?" "No thanks, I've just had one."
thanks · noun plural /θæŋks/
Word family
Nouns: thanks
Adjectives: thankful, thankless
Verbs: thank
Adverbs: thankfully
B2 words or actions that show you are grateful or pleased about something
Dictionary examples:
They expressed their thanks to the organizers.
He wrote a letter of thanks to the hospital.
Learner example:
I want give you thanks for your hospitality. (First Certificate in English; B2; Spanish)