table · noun C /ˈteɪ.bəl/Full view
A1 a piece of furniture with four legs, used for eating off, putting things on, etc.
Dictionary examples:

the kitchen table

The plates were still on the table.

Learner example:

There is a beautiful table in the garden. (Skills for Life (Entry 1); A1; Polish)

B1 an arrangement of facts and numbers in rows or blocks, especially in printed material
Dictionary example:

The table below shows the results of the experiment.

set the table
B1 to put plates, knives, forks, etc. on the table to prepare for a meal
Dictionary example:

Could you set the table for me, please?

Learner example:

We set the table and wait[ed] for Jun. He was supposed to come around six. (First Certificate in English; B2; Japanese)

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