supernatural · adjective /ˌsuː.pərˈnætʃ.ə.rəl/
Word family
Nouns: nature, natural, naturalist, naturalization, naturalness, supernatural
Adjectives: natural, supernatural, unnatural, naturalistic
Verbs: naturalize
Adverbs: naturally, unnaturally
B2 used to describe things that cannot be explained by our knowledge of science or nature
Dictionary example:
supernatural powers/forces
Learner example:
The book consists of six completely different 'ghost stories' which involve ghosts and supernatural phenomena, something that attracts young readers. (First Certificate in English; B2; Greek)
supernatural · noun /ˌsuː.pərˈnætʃ.ə.rəl/
Word family
Nouns: nature, natural, naturalist, naturalization, naturalness, supernatural
Adjectives: natural, supernatural, unnatural, naturalistic
Verbs: naturalize
Adverbs: naturally, unnaturally
the supernatural
B2 things that cannot be explained by our knowledge of science or nature
Dictionary example:
She's very interested in the supernatural.