Language Research - Words
blackmail · noun U /ˈblæk.meɪl/Full view
C2 when someone forces you to do something or to pay them money, by saying they will tell another person something that you want to keep secret
Dictionary example:

She was charged with blackmail.

Learner example:

She knows exactly how to handle him, seducing him, accusing him of ingratitude or using emotional blackmail. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Swiss German)

blackmail · verb T /ˈblæk.meɪl/
C2 to force someone to do something by using blackmail
Dictionary example:

They used the photographs to blackmail her into spying for them.

Learner example:

It's all over, but she is blackmailing me. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Russian)

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