south · noun U /sɑʊθ/Full view
Nouns: south, southerner
Adjectives: south, southerly, southern
Adverbs: south, southward(s)
A2 the direction that is toward the part of the earth below the equator, opposite to north, or the part of an area or country that is in this direction
Dictionary examples:

The points of the compass are north, south, east and west.

The best beaches are on the south of the island.

Canberra is/lies to the south of Sydney.

Learner example:

I am in Toulon, in the south of France. (Key English Test; A2; French)

the south
A2 the part of an area that is further toward the south than the rest
Dictionary example:

We live in the south of the city.

Learner example:

The best place in Poland to spend [a] holiday is the south of the country. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Polish)

south · adjective /sɑʊθ/
Nouns: south, southerner
Adjectives: south, southerly, southern
Adverbs: south, southward(s)
A2 in or forming the south part of something
Dictionary examples:

the south side of Chicago

the South China Sea

These plants grow well on a south-facing wall.

Learner example:

I went to a Safari Park near Birmingham, [and to] Cambridge, London, and the south part of England. (Key English Test; A2; Korean)

south · adverb /sɑʊθ/
Nouns: south, southerner
Adjectives: south, southerly, southern
Adverbs: south, southward(s)
A2 towards the south
Dictionary examples:

The Mississippi river flows south.

They drove south toward the coast.

Learner example:

There is a large window facing south so that it's bright and warm. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Chinese)

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