slam · verb /slæm/Full view
B2 I or T to close with great force, or to make something close with great force
Dictionary examples:

The wind made the door slam shut.

Close the door carefully, don't slam it.

Learner example:

Once the door slammed behind her, the tears came... (First Certificate in English; B2; Dutch)

slam sth down/onto/into, etc. / slam down/onto/into, etc. sth
B2 to put something somewhere or to hit something with great force
Dictionary examples:

She slammed the phone down.

He slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting a squirrel that had run out in front of his car.

The truck slammed into an oncoming car.

Learner example:

Then he slammed down the receiver. (First Certificate in English; B2; Chinese)

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