shoot · verb /ʃuːt/
shoot (WEAPON)
B1 I or T to fire a weapon or injure or kill a person or animal by firing a weapon at them
Dictionary examples:
If he's not armed, don't shoot.
The kids were shooting arrows at a target.
An unidentified man was shot yesterday afternoon.
A policeman was shot last night.
Learner example:
We really had a good time, but when we were coming back home a man, whose a face I couldn't see, shot Ana and she fell down on the street. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Portuguese)
shoot (SPORTS)
B1 I to try to score points in sports such as basketball by hitting, kicking, or throwing the ball toward the goal
Dictionary example:
He shot from the middle of the court and still managed to score.
Learner example:
A[fter] I shot my first goal for this team they started to talk to me. (Preliminary English Test; B1; German)
shoot across/out/up, etc.
C2 to move somewhere very quickly
Dictionary examples:
She shot across the road without looking.
She shot past me only inches from the finishing line.
shoot (MOVIE)
C1 T to use a camera to record a movie or video or to take a photograph
Dictionary examples:
We shot four reels of film in Egypt.
The movie was shot on location in Southern India.