Juan has just sent me a text message.
Send me an e-mail with the information.
I'll send her a letter/fax/package/postcard next week.
We'll send it by mail.
They sent her flowers for her birthday.
Maggie sends her love and hopes you'll feel better soon.
I can use [the] internet to learn English, and sometime[s] I send e-mail. (Skills for Life (Entry 1); A1; Cantonese)
We're sending the children to stay with my parents for a couple of weeks.
The UN sent relief workers to the region.
Who can afford to send their kids to college these days?
He was trying to explain but she became impatient and sent him away.
We should buil[d] more schools because we only have one, so we have to send our children away and none of us like that. (First Certificate in English; B2; Spanish)
The explosion sent the crowd into a panic.
The fan sent papers flying all over the room.
A gentle breeze sent the clouds drifting across the sky.
While we were singing a duet by Mendelssohn with my sister, a sweeping movement of my hand sent two pages of music flying toward the first row of seats. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Turkish)
The sound of his voice sent shivers down my spine.
Simply looking at her sent shivers down his spine - there was the love of his life, the dearest woman on good old Earth, that he's never met before. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Polish)
I had to send the shirt back because it didn't fit me.
I usual[l]y order my clothes [on the] Internet. It's fast, easy and you don't have any problems send[ing] them back if they don't fit. (Preliminary English Test; B1; French)
We had to send for a doctor.
Immediately after his arrival he sent for Beadle. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Polish)
Have you sent off your application yet?
The laser sends out a red beam of light.
The bushes were sending out new shoots.
The smoke alarm sent out a high-pitched sound.
On the other side of the lake the placid grazing cows would munch their breakfast as the sun rose on the horizon, sending out a flood of colors across the sky. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Danish)