Language Research - Words
safe · adjective /seɪf/Full view
Nouns: safe, safety
Adjectives: safe, unsafe
Adverbs: safely
A1 not in danger or likely to be harmed
Dictionary example:

In some cities you don't feel safe going out alone at night.

Learner example:

I like this place because I feel safe there. (Skills for Life (Entry 1); A1; Polish)

A2 not dangerous or likely to cause harm
Dictionary examples:

a safe driver

That ladder doesn't look safe.

Have a safe trip.

Is this medicine safe for children?

It's safe to cross the road now.

Learner example:

Have [a] safe journey, and I will meet you at the Airport. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Indonesian)

B1 not harmed or damaged
Dictionary example:

She said that all the hostages were safe.

Learner example:

Suddenly I felt something strange near me, I turn[ed] back quickly and two men were there. They showed me their weapons. Then, I woke up safe in my bed. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Spanish)

C1 not involving much risk
Dictionary examples:

Salmon is a safe choice - most people like it.

He told us this a safe investment.

Learner example:

On the other hand, I could have chosen to stay in my town and start [at] the University. It would be the recommended and most appropriate choice. I would get my degree and start a normal and safe career. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Portuguese)

safe to say
C1 If it is safe to say something, you are sure it is correct.
Dictionary example:

I think it's safe to say that he'll be the next president.

Learner example:

It is probably safe to say that there are no good books about engineering written in Portuguese so my teachers always use books written in English. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Portuguese)

a safe place; somewhere safe
C1 a place where something will not be lost or stolen
Dictionary example:

It's very valuable so put it somewhere safe.

Learner example:

Don't show off your money but keep it in a safe place. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Italian)

in safe hands
C1 being cared for or dealt with by someone skilled
Dictionary example:

The project is in safe hands - Jan has lots of experience.

Learner example:

He has also been trained as a lifeguard so the residents of your hotel would probably be in safe hands. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Greek)

safe and sound
C2 completely safe and without injury or damage
Dictionary example:

After three days lost in the mountains, all the climbers arrived home safe and sound.

Learner example:

So, by the time you read this letter I'll probably be safe and sound in Liverpool. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Dutch)

a safe bet
C2 something that you are certain will happen
Dictionary example:

Wheeler is a safe bet for a place on the team.

Learner example:

Automatically, we think that black is a safe bet for any occasion. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Japanese)

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