The ball rolled between his legs.
She rolled over onto her side.
The vase rolled off the table and smashed.
Paul broke his leg by rolling down the mounta[i]n. (First Certificate in English; B2; Korean)
He was rolling a cigarette.
He rolled the clay into a ball in his hands.
As I got closer, the hedgehog rolled itself up into a ball.
The driver rolled down his car window.
Tears rolled down my face.
By this time, the rest of us were laughing so [hard that] tears were rolling down our cheeks. (First Certificate in English; B2; Swedish)
When I asked her when she thought the building work would be finished, she just rolled her eyes.
This attitude is obvious when, for instance, s[ales] assistan[ts] show no patience for the slower reaction of elderl[y] [people]; when nobody offers a seat to an older person in [an] overcrowded t[rain]; when we roll our eyes about older people's desire for quiet, etc. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; German)
We have to get the ball rolling on this project soon.
I had a roll with my soup.
We eat ham, cheese, butter and paprika, with [a] roll or bread. (Skills for Life (Entry 2); A2; Hungarian)
a roll of carpet