risk · noun /rɪsk/Full view
B2 C or U the possibility of something bad happening
Dictionary examples:

the risk of heart disease

There is a slight risk that the wound could have become infected.

We want clean rivers and lakes, where you can swim without risk to your health.

It's a low/high-risk strategy.

Learner example:

Nowadays, everything is a risk, even at home we are in danger. (First Certificate in English; B2; Portuguese)

at risk
B2 being in a situation where something bad is likely to happen
Dictionary examples:

All houses on the lake front are at risk of flooding.

A child who hasn’t been vaccinated is at risk.

Releasing these prisoners puts the public at risk.

Learner example:

Lives are at risk! (First Certificate in English; B2; Chinese)

take a risk
B2 to do something although something bad might happen because of it
Dictionary example:

This time I'm not taking any risks - I'm going to back up my computer.

Learner example:

He had to take a risk if he wanted to save his love, Anne. (First Certificate in English; B2; Greek)

C1 C something bad that might happen
Dictionary example:

There are more health risks when older women get pregnant.

Learner example:

In general, I believe that the awareness of the pubic about the health risks is the most important milestone in this race. (International English Language Testing System; C1; Arabic)

run the risk of sth
C2 to do something although something bad might happen because of it
Dictionary example:

I think I'll run the risk of hurting her feelings, and tell her the truth.

Learner example:

They constantly run the risk of losing their physical abilities. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Turkish)

at your own risk
C2 If you do something at your own risk, you are completely responsible for anything bad that might happen because of it.
Dictionary example:

Customers may leave vehicles here at their own risk.

Learner example:

However, when a young man decides to go on a dangerous expedition, he should do so at his own risk and should not rely on help from anyone. (International English Language Testing System; C2; Arabic)

risk · verb T /rɪsk/
B2 If you risk something bad, you do something although that bad thing might happen.
Dictionary examples:

I'd like to help you, but I can't risk losing my job.

"It's dangerous to cross here." "I'll just have to risk it."

Learner example:

You shouldn't risk damaging your health. (First Certificate in English; B2; German)

B2 If you risk something important, you cause it to be in a dangerous situation where you might lose it.
Dictionary examples:

He risked his life to save me.

She risked her job by giving me that information.

Learner example:

If she had gone home by taxi, she would have not risked her life. (First Certificate in English; B2; Italian)

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