rise · verb I /rɑɪz/Full view
rise (SUN/MOON)
B1 When the sun or moon rises, it appears in the sky.
Dictionary example:

The sun rises in the east.

Learner example:

It was very beautiful, especially in the morning when the sun was rising. (Preliminary English Test; B1; French)

rise (MOVE UP)
B1 to move up
Dictionary example:

The balloon rose up into the air.

B2 to increase in level
Dictionary examples:

rising temperatures

Prices rose by 10 percent.

Real estate prices have risen rapidly.

Learner example:

Also, due to global warming, sea levels might rise and [the] risk of flooding will also rise. (First Certificate in English; B2; Korean)

rise to/through, etc.
C2 to become important, successful, or rich
Dictionary example:

He quickly rose to stardom.

Learner example:

He then joined the company he is now the managing director of; during 15 years, he stead[i]ly rose through the ranks to the top. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Swedish)

rise · noun C /rɑɪz/
B2 an increase in the level of something
Dictionary examples:

a sudden rise in temperature

Inflation is on the rise.

Learner example:

Scientifically speaking the number of people who visit doctors simply because they suffer from ulcer[s] and similar disease[s] [is] on the rise. (First Certificate in English; B2; Farsi)

sb's rise to fame/power, etc.
C2 when someone becomes very famous or powerful
Dictionary example:

The movie charts his rise to power.

Learner example:

He is one of these artists whom I respect immensely as his rise to celebrity was a long and painstaking journey, mainly because he was always faithful to the kind of music he wanted to play and to the ideals he wanted to convey through his lyrics, and also because he shows great modesty. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; French)

give rise to sth
C2 to cause something
Dictionary examples:

International support has given rise to a new optimism within the company.

The bacteria live in the human body but do not give rise to any symptoms.

Learner example:

More often than not, however, such events will also give rise to all sorts of contradictions. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Bulgarian)

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