ring · noun C /rɪŋ/Full view
ring (JEWELRY)
A2 a round piece of jewelry that you wear on your finger
Dictionary examples:

a wedding ring

He bought her a diamond ring.

Learner example:

Sammy gave me a gold ring, Remi an orange swe[a]ter, Minny a bag and Dominique a red cap. (Key English Test; A2; Spanish)

ring (CIRCLE)
B2 something that is the shape of a circle
Dictionary example:

The children sat in a ring around the teacher.

Learner example:

It is forced to jump into a ring of fire, if it does not want to do it, it will be hit. (First Certificate in English; B2; Greek)

ring (SOUND)
B2 the sound a bell makes
Dictionary example:

The ring of the doorbell woke him up.

Learner example:

Walking down the street, he heard a noise: just the ring of the clock tower. (First Certificate in English; B2; French)

ring · verb I or T /rɪŋ/
ring (SOUND)
B1 If something rings, it makes the sound of a bell, and if you ring a bell, you cause it to make a sound.
Dictionary examples:

The phone's ringing.

I rang the doorbell.

Learner example:

Me and a few of my friends were having a day off school so we went to a lovely beach by the Danube river, when my phone rang. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Bulgarian)

ring a bell
C2 If a word, especially a name, rings a bell, you think you have heard it before.
Dictionary example:

Shane Watson? That name rings a bell.

Learner example:

Its name is Laser - I suppose it rings a bell? (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Polish)

ring hollow
C2 If something someone says rings hollow, it does not sound true or sincere.
Dictionary example:

He said he was pleased, but his words rang hollow.

Learner example:

Everything rang hollow to her, so she decided to follow him in order to understand what had happened and her fiancé became so friendly and understanding. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Greek)

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