Language Research - Words
remind · verb T /rəˈmɑɪnd/Full view
Nouns: mind, minder, reminder
Adjectives: mindless, mindful
Verbs: mind, remind
Adverbs: mindlessly
B1 to make someone remember something, or remember to do something
Dictionary examples:

Remind me to mail this package.

Could you remind Paul about dinner on Saturday?

I called Gemma and reminded her that the conference was cancelled.

Learner example:

I am writing this e-mail to remind you about our meeting on Tuesday. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Spanish)

remind sb of sth/sb
B1 to be similar to, or make you think of, something or someone else
Dictionary examples:

She reminds me of Elaine.

Her laugh reminds me of Cory.

Learner example:

It's not an expensive scarf, but I like it bec[a]use it reminds me of my sister; she gave me this scarf for my birthday some years ago. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Italian)

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