basis · noun C /ˈbeɪ.səs/Full view
Nouns: base, basics, basis
Adjectives: baseless, basic
Verbs: base
Adverbs: basically
on a regular/daily/weekly, etc., basis
B2 how often something happens or is done
Dictionary example:

Meetings are held on a weekly basis.

Learner example:

Most people use computers on regular basis at work as well as at home. (First Certificate in English; B2; Russian)

basis (METHOD)
B2 the way or method of doing something
Dictionary examples:

Requests are decided on a case-by-case basis.

She'll work with us on a temporary basis.

Learner example:

The job they are offering is on a temporary basis, part-time or full-time. (First Certificate in English; B2; German)

basis (REASON)
C1 the reason for something
Dictionary example:

There is no scientific basis for these claims.

Learner example:

I cannot imagine on what basis you estimated the figure. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Korean)

on the basis of sth
C1 as the result of something
Dictionary example:

Grades are awarded on the basis of progress and performance.

Learner example:

On the basis of the points mentioned above, it is a foregone conclusion that young people do not face any severe problems. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Greek)

C1 a situation, fact, or idea from which something begins to develop
Dictionary example:

Dari's essay can serve as a basis for our discussion.

Learner example:

This report has been written to highlight the positive experiences, [and] the problems our group faced in Ireland, and can be used as a basis for improving future trips. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Greek)

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