privacy · noun U /ˈprɑɪ.və.si/
Word family
Nouns: privacy, private, privatization
Adjectives: private
Verbs: privatize
Adverbs: privately
B2 the right to be alone and do things without other people seeing or hearing you
Dictionary examples:
I hate sharing a bedroom - I never get any privacy.
The new law is designed to protect people's privacy.
Learner example:
Well, it seems that a young, modern and successful man can have no privacy at all. (First Certificate in English; B2; Czech)
invade sb's privacy
C2 to try to learn things about someone's private life when they do not want you to
Dictionary example:
They were fed up with journalists invading their privacy.
Learner example:
He would never invade our privacy or force us to talk about our problems. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Portuguese)
an invasion of privacy
C2 becoming involved in someone's private life when they do not want you to
Dictionary example:
These phone calls to my home are an invasion of my privacy.