political/peer pressure
Teachers are under pressure to work longer hours.
He's responding to pressure from local politicians who want the bridge built quickly.
He only asked her under pressure from his wife.
I understand that you must work a lot because of the pressure from your boss, but I will in spite of that warn you and ask you to think over the situation. (First Certificate in English; B2; Swedish)
They're putting pressure on me to make a decision.
She puts a lot of pressure on me and beli[e]ves that I can do it in the same way as she did. (First Certificate in English; B2; Danish)
They've been putting a lot of pressure on her at work lately.
Be nice to him - he's been under a lot of pressure.
Can you work well under pressure?
the pressures of work
I have two younger sisters so I think I can cope with the pressure [of] helping out in the summer camps. (First Certificate in English; B2; Chinese)
He put too much pressure on the door handle and it snapped.
You can stop bleeding by applying pressure close to the injured area.
water/air pressure
The process of hydro-electric power generation is using the water pressure from the reservoir to generate the power, which is then transported to [a] transformer station through high voltage cables. (International English Language Testing System; C1; Chinese)