premium · noun /ˈpriː.mi.əm/
be at a premium
C2 If something useful is at a premium, there is not enough of it.
Dictionary example:
Time is at a premium just before the start of exams.
Learner example:
Honesty and accuracy are very good virtues to strive [for], but having friendship [and a] fair and caring relationship to your friend or partner have to be rated at a premium as well. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; German)
C2 an amount of money you pay for insurance
Dictionary example:
How much is the monthly premium?
Learner example:
They also had to pay a premium to the government and [on] turn[ing] sixty-five, their pension would be paid from this fund. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Dutch)
premium · adjective always before noun /ˈpriː.mi.əm/
C2 A premium product is of a higher quality or value than others.
Dictionary example:
premium beer
Learner example:
You can get Fondue or Raclette made of premium Swiss cheese, going with fresh salads with whatever dressing you want. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; German)