Language Research - Words
post · noun /poʊst/Full view
Nouns: post, postage, posting
Adjectives: postal
Verbs: post
post · verb T /poʊst/
Nouns: post, postage, posting
Adjectives: postal
Verbs: post
post (WEB SITE)
B1 to leave a message on a Web site
Dictionary example:

I posted a query about a Chilean novelist.

keep sb posted
C1 to make certain that someone always knows what is happening
Dictionary example:

Keep me posted on anything that happens while I'm away.

Learner example:

We will keep our members posted on the best eating places in town. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Greek)

be posted to France/London/Singapore, etc.
C2 to be sent to France/London/Singapore, etc. to work, usually for the government or the military
Dictionary example:

He was posted to Germany for two years.

Learner example:

At the age of eleven, my father was posted to Montreal and, naturally, I had to go along. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Spanish)

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