plus · preposition /plʌs/
A2 added to
Dictionary examples:
What is six plus four?
The rent will be $450 a month, plus gas and electricity.
There will be two adults traveling, plus three children.
Learner example:
Finally, does the offer include two free meals in the restaurant plus breakfast? (First Certificate in English; B2; Swedish)
plus · conjunction /plʌs/
B1 and also
Dictionary example:
Let's not take our vacation in August - it'll be too hot, plus it'll be more expensive.
Learner example:
I would be more than pleased to receive you at home. We could have a lot of fun, plus, you won't have to pay a thing! (Preliminary English Test; B1; Spanish)
plus · noun C /plʌs/
B2 an advantage or a good feature
Dictionary example:
Your teaching experience will be a plus in this job.
Learner example:
All this should be a plus in developing our town and nearby villages into attractive place[s]. (First Certificate in English; B2; Polish)