plug · noun C /plʌg/
B1 a plastic or rubber object with metal pins, used to connect electrical equipment to an electricity supply
Dictionary examples:
a three-prong/two-prong plug
Is the plug in?
If a plug is broken, it can be dangerous.
Learner example:
We had to check eve[r]y plug, switch, lights. (First Certificate in English; B2; Polish)
plug (HOLE)
B1 something you put in a hole to block it
Dictionary example:
He pulled out the plug and the water drained out of the sink.
plug · verb /plʌg/
plug sth in
B2 to connect a piece of electrical equipment to an electricity supply or to another piece of equipment
Dictionary example:
Could you plug the iron in for me?
Learner example:
It allows anybody to call from anywhere without hav[ing] to plug it in a wall! (First Certificate in English; B2; French)