pleased · adjective /pliːzd/
Word family
Nouns: pleasure, pleasantry, displeasure
Adjectives: pleasant, unpleasant, pleased, pleasing, pleasurable
Verbs: please, displease
Adverbs: pleasantly, unpleasantly, please
A2 happy or satisfied
Dictionary examples:
Are you pleased about John's promotion?
We're so pleased that you're able to come to the wedding.
I'm really pleased with your work this term.
I'm pleased to hear you're feeling better.
Learner example:
I'm so pleased to know you are coming along. (Skills for Life (Entry 2); A2; Portuguese)
pleased to meet you
A2 a polite way of greeting someone when you meet them for the first time
Dictionary example:
I'm very pleased to meet you at last!
Learner example:
I will be pleased to meet you. (Key English Test; A2; Turkish)