pass · verb /pæs/Full view
Nouns: pass, overpass, underpass, passage
Adjectives: passable, passing
Verbs: pass
pass (SUCCEED)
A2 I or T to succeed in a test or examination
Dictionary examples:

I passed my driving test!

I know you'll pass all your exams.

Theo passed the FCE when he was 14.

Learner example:

I [hope] you pass the exam. (Key English Test; A2; Farsi)

pass (GO PAST)
B1 I or T to go past something or someone
Dictionary examples:

I passed him on the stairs this morning.

Cars kept passing us on the highway.

If you pass a grocery store on the way back, could you pick up some milk?

Learner example:

I started to cros[s] the street and then a car passed. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Spanish)

pass by/over/through, etc.
B1 to go in a particular direction
Dictionary examples:

A low flying plane passed over the stadium.

We passed by your house our way home.

Learner example:

Then we passed through the quiet co[u]ntryside. (Preliminary English Test; B1; French)

pass (GIVE)
B1 T to give something to someone
Dictionary examples:

Could you pass the salt, please?

Gerald passed me a note./Gerald passed a note to me.

Learner example:

For [me to] cover [the] work, can you pass [it] to my friend Jittanun. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Thai)

pass (TIME)
B1 I If a period of time passes, it happens.
Dictionary examples:

Has ten minutes passed yet?

We had to wait, but the time passed quickly.

Learner example:

Five minutes passed and he didn't come, so I decided to go back inside. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Greek)

pass (the) time
B2 to spend time doing something
Dictionary example:

We passed the time reading and swimming.

Learner example:

What's more, I would have to read to pass the time! (First Certificate in English; B2; Spanish)

pass a law
B2 to officially approve of something and make it into a law or rule
Dictionary example:

The state assembly passed a law restricting the sale of guns.

Learner example:

I hope the government will pass a law which could [control] all these sort of things. (First Certificate in English; B2; Italian)

pass (GO AWAY)
C2 I If a feeling passes, it goes away.
Dictionary example:

I know he's angry now but it'll pass.

Learner example:

My soul and my mind are frozen. I know that will pass. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Russian)

C2 T to be more than a particular level
Dictionary example:

Donations have passed the one million mark.

pass (SPORTS)
C2 I or T in sports, to throw or kick a ball to someone else
Dictionary example:

Edwards passes to Brinkworth.

Learner example:

Worth passed the ball to Earvin "Magic" Johnson, and with two players disturbing him, he sh[o]t a three-pointer that went in nicely. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Portuguese)

pass around sth or pass sth around
B2 to offer something to each person in a group of people
Dictionary example:

Would you pass the sandwiches around?

pass away
B2 to die
Dictionary example:

She passed away peacefully in her sleep.

Learner example:

It was said his father was very ill and his doctor had said his father could pass away in a few months. (First Certificate in English; B2; Turkish)

pass on sth or pass sth on (TELL)
B1 to tell someone something that another person has told you
Dictionary example:

Will you pass the message on to Edward?

Learner example:

Lucy asked me to pass on greetings to you. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Czech)

pass on sth or pass sth on (GIVE)
B1 to give something to someone else
Dictionary example:

Could you pass the book on to Lara when you finished with it?

pass out
B2 to become unconscious
Dictionary example:

I passed out from the heat.

Learner example:

When she felt a hand on her right shoulder, she passed out. (First Certificate in English; B2; French)

pass · noun C /pæs/
Nouns: pass, overpass, underpass, passage
Adjectives: passable, passing
Verbs: pass
B1 an official document or ticket that allows you to do something
Dictionary examples:

a bus/train pass

a boarding pass

Learner example:

You can buy [a] one-day bus pass and you could visit many monuments and pictures[qu]e places. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Serbian)

pass (SPORTS)
C2 in sports, when you throw or kick a ball to someone else
Dictionary example:

That was a great pass!

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