owe · verb + two objects /oʊ/Full view
B1 to have to pay money back to someone
Dictionary examples:

I owe Janet ten dollars.

We still owe money on our mortgage.

Learner example:

Please tell me how much I owe you for that. (First Certificate in English; B2; French)

owe sb an apology/explanation/favor, etc.
B2 to have to give something to someone because they deserve it
Dictionary example:

I think you owe me an explanation/apology.

Learner example:

I owe you a favor. (First Certificate in English; B2; Spanish)

owe your existence/success, etc., to sb/sth
C2 to have something or achieve something because of someone or something else
Dictionary example:

The museum owes much of its success to the present generation of young artists.

Learner example:

Many restaurants, bars and gift shops owe their existence to the fact that visitors to our country enjoy the view of the river and its surroundings. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Dutch)

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