Language Research - Words
opposite · preposition /ˈɑp.ə.zɪt/Full view
A2 in a position facing someone or something but on the other side
Dictionary examples:

We're in the building opposite the library.

They sat opposite each other.

Put a check mark opposite the answer that you think is correct.

Learner example:

It's near the park and opposite the bank, so it isn't far. (Key English Test; A2; Italian)

opposite · adjective /ˈɑp.ə.zɪt/
Nouns: opposition, opposite
Adjectives: opposed, opposing, opposite
Verbs: oppose
Adverbs: opposite
opposite (FACING)
B1 in a position facing something or someone but on the other side
Dictionary examples:

My brother and I live on opposite sides of town.

The map on the opposite page shows the main lakes in the area.

They sat at opposite ends of the table, refusing to talk.

Learner example:

[O]n the opposite side, there is a dark brown wardro[be] which is made of wood. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Korean)

opposite (DIFFERENT)
B2 completely different
Dictionary examples:

All the traffic was going in the opposite direction.

Attempts to calm everyone down had the opposite effect.

Learner example:

The uncle had warned her so that she wouldn't interfer[e] with what happened at the inn, but it had the opposite effect on Mary. (First Certificate in English; B2; Swedish)

the opposite sex
C1 people who are the other sex from you
Dictionary example:

When you attend an all girls or all boys school, you don't study with members of the opposite sex.

Learner example:

This is not only about trying to impress (preferably) a person of the opposite sex, but fashion also gives you a great chance to express yourself. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Czech)

opposite · noun C /ˈɑp.ə.zɪt/
Nouns: opposition, opposite
Adjectives: opposed, opposing, opposite
Verbs: oppose
Adverbs: opposite
B1 something or someone that is completely different from another person or thing
Dictionary examples:

The opposite of "fast" is "slow."

My father is a very calm person, but my mother is just the opposite.

She turned out to be the exact opposite of what everyone expected.

Learner example:

Physically, she's the opposite of me. (Preliminary English Test; B1; French)

opposite · adverb /ˈɑp.ə.zɪt/
Nouns: opposition, opposite
Adjectives: opposed, opposing, opposite
Verbs: oppose
Adverbs: opposite
B1 in a position facing someone or something but on the other side
Dictionary examples:

She asked the man sitting opposite whether he'd mind if she opened the window.

The people who live opposite us are always making a lot of noise.

Learner example:

I was on the pavement next to my house and I was calling to my friend, when suddenly I saw a man who [was] just going around to my neighbour's car, which was parked opposite. (Skills for Life (Entry 3); B1; Polish)

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