Language Research - Words
opposed · adjective /əˈpoʊzd/Full view
Nouns: opposition, opposite
Adjectives: opposed, opposing, opposite
Verbs: oppose
Adverbs: opposite
be opposed to sth
C1 to disagree with a plan or activity
Dictionary example:

Mom is strongly opposed to my learning to drive.

Learner example:

As a student at Fordham College, which is situated just opposite Greendale Park, me and my fellow student colle[a]gues are opposed to the whole idea. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Chinese)

as opposed to
C2 rather than or instead of
Dictionary examples:

I’d prefer to go in May, as opposed to September.

I'm talking about English football, as opposed to American football.

Learner example:

What is more important, the majority of shoppers have changed their attitude to shop[ping] radically. They now take it as something engrossing and satisfying as opposed to what it used to be - tiring, exhausting and infuriating. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Russian)

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