Language Research - Words
average · adjective /ˈæv.rɪdʒ/Full view
average (USUAL)
A2 typical and usual
Dictionary examples:

The average person in the street is a lot better off than they were forty years ago.

a student of average ability

Learner example:

This makes people beli[e]ve that a lot of the food we eat is fast-food, but it's not true at all, in fact it's a very small part of our average diet. (First Certificate in English; B2; Swedish)

average (AMOUNT)
B1 always before noun An average number is the number you get by adding two or more amounts together and dividing the total by the number of amounts.
Dictionary example:

an average age/temperature

Learner example:

The weather on this mountain is fantastic, with an average temperature of 17°C. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Chinese)

C1 not particularly good
Dictionary example:

The meal was pretty average.

Learner example:

I didn't get the high standard [of] service that you had offered me, and the food was pretty average. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Chinese)

average · noun /ˈæv.rɪdʒ/
average (AMOUNT)
B1 C the result you get by adding two or more amounts together and dividing the total by the number of amounts
Dictionary example:

Prices have risen by an average of 4% over the past year.

Learner example:

On the table was my mark sheet with the average as 90%. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Tamil)

B1 C or U the usual or typical amount
Dictionary examples:

An 8-hour working day is about the average.

The audience figures were lower than average for this sort of film.

The quality of candidates was (well) below/above average.

I expect to spend an average of $20 for a meal in a restaurant.

Learner example:

I [don't] have much time to watch TV and I only spend an average of two to five hours [a] week. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Portuguese)

on average
B2 usually, or based on an average
Dictionary example:

Female workers earn, on average, a third less than men.

Learner example:

On average, our pupils are 16 years old and they join actively in all the events we organi[z]e. (First Certificate in English; B2; Catalan)

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