old · adjective /oʊld/Full view
A1 having lived or existed for many years
Dictionary examples:

an old man

an old house

We're all getting older.

I was shocked by how old he looked.

I'm too old to be out dancing every night.

That's an old joke - I've heard it about a thousand times.

Learner example:

Wroctaw is [an] old town. (Skills for Life (Entry 1); A1; Polish)

old (AGE)
A1 used to describe or ask about someone's age
Dictionary examples:

How old is your father?

Rosie's six years old now.

He's a couple of years older than me.

Learner example:

She is 23 years old. (Skills for Life (Entry 1); A1; German)

A2 always before noun from a period in the past
Dictionary examples:

I saw my old English teacher last time I went home.

He bought me a fancy new camera to replace my old one.

She showed me her old school.

Learner example:

My old one is [a] Nokia. (Key English Test; A2; Turkish)

old friend
A2 someone who you have known and liked for a long time
Dictionary example:

I saw an old friend who I went to high school with.

Learner example:

Do you remember my old friend Jack? (Key English Test; A2; Thai)

the old days
C1 a period in the past
Dictionary example:

This place isn't as good as it was in the old days.

Learner example:

In the old days, a scholar could spend years of his life in search of specific information, which now can be easily and inexpensi[ve]ly found at the click of a button! (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Greek)

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