nerve · noun /nɜrv/Full view
Nouns: nerve, nerves, nervousness
Adjectives: nervous
Adverbs: nervously
C2 C one of the stringlike parts in your body that carry messages between your brain and other parts of the body
Dictionary examples:

the optic nerve

nerve cells/endings

Learner example:

At the end, give him 3 pills, one for the high blood pressure, [an]other for the heart and the last one for nerve problems. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Portuguese)

C1 worry or anxiety about something that is going to happen
Dictionary examples:

I sometimes suffer from nerves when I'm speaking in public.

I need something to calm my nerves.

Learner example:

You might feel you need it to calm your nerves, but for obvious reasons (the law) it is better not to. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Dutch)

nerve (RUDENESS)
C2 no plural the rudeness necessary to do something you know will upset someone
Dictionary examples:

You've got a nerve, coming here!

I can't believe she had the nerve to talk to me after what happened.

Learner example:

After that, how not to envy his redeeming feature of always be[ing] cool as a cucumber and how not to scorn yourself for not having the nerve to tell him what you really think! (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Russian)

get on sb's nerves
C1 to annoy someone, especially by doing something again and again
Dictionary example:

Please stop making that noise! It really gets on my nerves.

Learner example:

My neighbor is always quarrel[l]ing with his wife. It['s] getting on my nerves! (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Greek)

C2 no plural the quality of being brave
Dictionary examples:

I haven't got the nerve to tell him I'm leaving.

He lost his nerve and couldn't go through with it.

Learner example:

She just never had the nerve to leave everything behind. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Greek)

hit/strike/touch a (raw) nerve
C2 to upset someone by talking about a particular subject
Dictionary example:

By the look on her face, he really hit a nerve with that last remark.

Learner example:

Some of your articles strike a very sensitive nerve in my opinion. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Greek)

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