Language Research - Words
narrow · adjective /ˈnær.oʊ/Full view
narrow (NOT WIDE)
B1 Narrow things measure a small distance from one side to the other.
Dictionary examples:

narrow streets

a narrow bridge/doorway/path

a narrow face

narrow feet

Learner example:

It's a charming little town with old houses and narrow streets. (First Certificate in English; B2; Swedish)

narrow (LIMITED)
C2 limited to a small area of interest, activity or thought
Dictionary examples:

He has narrow interests.

It was regarded as a very narrow interpretation of the law.

Learner example:

People leave home with a narrow outlook and it doesn't seem to broaden. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Swedish)

a narrow escape
C2 If you have a narrow escape, you only just avoid danger.
Dictionary example:

He had a narrow escape when a falling tree crushed his car.

Learner example:

Ralph will have a narrow escape: he is saved by the arrival of a ship which has at last come to rescue them all. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; French)

narrow · verb /ˈnær.oʊ/
C1 to become less wide or to make something less wide
Dictionary examples:

The road has been narrowed to one lane.

His eyes narrowed angrily.

Learner example:

Driving as well as parking has become a difficult task in Copenhagen City as the City Council [has] over the last [few] years deliberately cut down the numbers of parking places, raised the fees and narrowed the roads and streets. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Danish)

narrow (BECOME LESS)
C2 to become less or to make something become less
Dictionary example:

to narrow the gap between rich and poor

Learner example:

I tend to believe that every country should join together, as only by discussing and sorting out some measures will [we] be able to narrow the gap that nowadays exists among countries all over the world. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Portuguese)

narrow sth down
C2 to make something, for example a list or a choice, smaller and clearer by removing the things that are less important
Dictionary example:

We've managed to narrow the list down to four.

Learner example:

My hobbies were narrowed down to reading books, listening to some music and that's all. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Russian)

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