associate · verb /əˈsoʊ.ʃiːˌeɪt/Full view
be associated with sth
B2 to be related to something or caused by something
Dictionary example:

There are many risks associated with smoking.

Learner example:

Undoubtedly there are both positive and negative points associated with this topic. (First Certificate in English; B2; Dutch)

C1 T to connect someone or something in your mind with someone or something else
Dictionary example:

Most people associate this brand with good quality.

Learner example:

Nowadays we tend to associate computer games or television with young people. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Spanish)

associate with sb
C2 to spend time with or have a connection with someone
Dictionary example:

I don't want you associating with that crowd - they're always getting into trouble.

Learner example:

This is a place where a lot of homeless people find shelter and even drug addicts go there to hide. So, it is clear that it is essential to protect our children from associating with all these people. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Greek)

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