Language Research - Words
long · adjective /lɔːŋ/Full view
long (TIME)
A1 continuing for a large amount of time
Dictionary examples:

a long movie/meeting

I've been waiting a long time.

It's a long time since I lived there.

Apparently the sessions are an hour long.

Learner example:

I want to eat food from Brazil because I [have] live[d] in England for a long time and I [am] missing food from my country. (Skills for Life (Entry 1); A1; Amharic)

A1 having a large distance from one end to the other
Dictionary examples:

long hair

long legs

a long dress

There was a long line at the post office.

We're still a long way from the station.

Learner example:

I like [to] go for a long walk. (Skills for Life (Entry 1); A1; Polish)

A2 describes a piece of writing which has a lot of pages or words
Dictionary example:

a long letter/book/report

Learner example:

Thank you for your long letter, it was very interesting. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Swiss German)

long · adverb /lɔːŋ/
A2 for a long time
Dictionary examples:

I'm just writing a letter but it won't take long.

How long have you been in Chicago?

Don't rush - take as long as you like.

I've known her longer than you have.

I won't be staying much longer.

Learner example:

It doesn't last longer th[a]n 45 minutes. (Key English Test; A2; Croatian)

all day long
B1 for the whole day
Dictionary example:

We've been walking all day long.

Learner example:

We talked all day long, about many things. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Portuguese)

for long
C1 for a long time
Dictionary example:

We didn't have to wait for long.

Learner example:

My parents generation, however, would not identi[f]y with this lifestyle for long. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; German)

as/so long as
B1 used to say that something must happen before something else can happen
Dictionary examples:

I can come as long as I can leave by 4:00.

Sure, bring your friends too - just so long as I know how many are coming.

Learner example:

The colors I wear are not important, as long as I don't wear any pink clothes. I really dislike that color. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Spanish)

no longer
B1 in the past but not now
Dictionary examples:

The theater is no longer used.

She doesn't work here any longer.

Learner example:

The main reason is that my wife got pregnant [and] therefore [a] one-bedroom house is no longer suitable for us. (Skills for Life (Entry 3); B1; Spanish)

before (very/too) long
B2 soon
Dictionary example:

They'll be home before very long.

Learner example:

Before long they realized that most of the animals which lived there could be big bu[si]ness in Europe. (First Certificate in English; B2; Italian)

long · adverb /lɔːŋ/
A2 for a long time
Dictionary examples:

I'm just writing a letter but it won't take long.

How long have you been in England?

Don't rush - take as long as you like.

I've known her longer than you have.

I won't be staying much longer.

Learner example:

It doesn't last longer th[a]n 45 minutes. (Key English Test; A2; Croatian)

all day long
B1 for the whole day
Dictionary example:

We've been walking all day long.

Learner example:

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you about my Japanese stones where I listen to music all day long. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Portuguese)

as/so long as
B1 used to say that something must happen before something else can happen
Dictionary examples:

I can come as long as I can leave by 4.00.

Bring your friends by all means - just so long as I know how many are coming.

Learner example:

The colo[u]rs I wear are not important, as long as I don't wear any pink clothes. I really dislike that colo[u]r. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Spanish)

no longer
B1 in the past but not now
Dictionary examples:

The cinema is no longer used.

She doesn't work here any longer.

Learner example:

The main reason is that my wife got pregnant [and] therefore [a] one-bedroom house is no longer suitable for us. (Skills for Life (Entry 3); B1; Spanish)

before (very/too) long
B2 soon
Dictionary example:

They'll be home before very long.

Learner example:

Before long they realized that most of the animals which lived there could be big bu[si]ness in Europe. (First Certificate in English; B2; Italian)

long ago
C1 If something happened long ago, it happened a great amount of time ago.
Dictionary examples:

I think we met once, long ago.

It was not long ago that I last saw him.

Learner example:

Not so long ago, you could ring each Dutch doorbell of your choice at 6 pm and you'd f[i]nd the whole family gathered around the kitchen table, having their supper. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Dutch)

long before
C2 a long period of time before something
Dictionary example:

I was a vegetarian long before I met Sally.

Learner example:

The cups belonged to my family long before I was born and the fact they are [a] part of my family tradition makes them valuable in my eyes. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Polish)

long · verb I /lɔːŋ/
long for sth; long to do sth
C2 to want something very much
Dictionary example:

She longed to see him again.

Learner example:

Of course I longed for my home and missed my relatives and friends, but I was so excited [by] everything the exchange could offer that I cannot recall any really sad day during my stay in Germany. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Portuguese)

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