Language Research - Words
lie · verb I /lɑɪ/Full view
Nouns: liar, lie
Verbs: lie
lie (BODY)
A2 to be in or move your body into a horizontal position
Dictionary examples:

to lie in bed

to lie on a beach

to lie on your side/back

A cat lay in front of the fire.

He lies awake at night, worrying.

Learner example:

I think Marmaris is the best place for you because you always want to lie on a beach. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Turkish)

lie (OBJECT)
B1 to be on a particular surface
Dictionary examples:

A pen lay on the desk.

There were papers lying all over the floor.

Learner example:

I hurried into the airport to find my suitcase lying in one corner. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Hindi)

lie (PLACE)
B1 to be in a particular place or position
Dictionary examples:

The river lies 40 miles to the south.

You shouldn’t leave that money lying around.

Learner example:

It lies in the south of the Czech Republic and it's [a] lovely place where you can spend your holiday. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Czech)

C2 If responsibility, blame, a decision, a choice, etc., lies with someone, they have responsibility, must make the decision, etc.
Dictionary examples:

Responsibility for the disaster must ultimately lie with the government.

Where does the blame lie?

Learner example:

The greater responsibility lies with us to keep our villages and cities clean and, therefore, healthy. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Greek)

lie ahead
C1 If an event or situation that will cause problems lies ahead, it will happen in the future.
Dictionary example:

He's under no illusions about the difficulties that lie ahead for the industry.

Learner example:

They help prepare our children for what lies ahead of them. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Greek)

lie down
A2 to move into a position in which your body is flat, usually in order to sleep or rest
Dictionary example:

I'm going to lie down and take a short nap.

Learner example:

Sometimes I want [to] relax and lie down on the bed to watch TV. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Chinese)

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