employ · verb T /ɪmˈplɔɪ/
Word family
Nouns: employ, employee, employer, employment, unemployed, unemployment
Adjectives: unemployed
Verbs: employ
employ (JOB)
B1 to have someone work or do a job for you and pay them for it
Dictionary examples:
How many people does your company employ?
Can't we employ someone as an assistant to help with all this paperwork?
We've employed a market researcher to find out what people really want from a cable TV system.
More people are now employed in service industries than in manufacturing.
Learner example:
As you know I am employed in a travel agency and last week I started my new English class. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Italian)
employ (USE)
C1 to use something
Dictionary example:
Companies employ clever tactics to persuade us to buy their products.
Learner example:
A friend that I made on the course shares the same opinion and insists on the fact that the course gave us the opportunity to employ some of the techniques we practi[s]ed in the "How to Negotiate" classes. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Greek)